skyVac® 75/78/85 Cartridge Filter

Cartridge Filter options for Gutter & Internal Vacuums:

Gutter Vacuums: skyVac® Atom Sonic, Commercial Plus, Industrial 85 & Interceptor

Internal Vacuums:  skyVac® Internal 78.

Keeping your filter in “Box-Fresh” condition is a great to keep your system in top condition.

Select your required option from the drop down.  1) standard filter – for everyday use 2) HEPA Filter (allergy) 3) Filter Housing unit.

90.00 incl. VAT


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Keeping your filter in “box fresh” condition is a great way to ensure that your system is running at its best. 

The skyVac® cartridge filter is specifically designed to support the skyVac® wet and dry vacuum systems.   The cleated design creates a large surface area for air filtration, whilst the robust build can withstand the powerful suction power.

The skyVac® Cartridge filter is compatible with:

Gutter Vacuums: 

Internal Vacuum:

What Filter do I need?

Standard cartridge filter – (The white one) is the go to for most projects, gutter cleaning, and internal high-level.  The fine airborne dust particles are trapped within the cleated construction, allowing clean air to pass through the motors.

HEPA filter – (The yellow one) is typically used for allergy related concerns for internal vacuuming projects.  The filter offers a higher level of ultra-fine dust removal due to a tighter weave in the fabric which captures smaller dust microns.  However, this denser construction can restrict air flow to the motors and reduce overall performance.

We do not recommend using HEPA Filters for external gutter cleaning projects.

Filter Housing Unit: 

This complete filter housing unit includes the standard cleated filter along with the flotation valve unit, along with the along with the cartridge end cap and heat resistant pad.

Filter Maintenance: 

We recommend cleaning at the end of each project and replacing every four months.  Inspect your filter regularly for wear and tear, making sure to replace damaged filters immediately.

The filter traps any dust and airborne particles to prevent them from getting into the motor.  Over time the filter can become clogged which will restrict the air flow getting into the system.  A dirty filter can lead to a loss of power so make sure you keep clean.

Top Tip:

  • Use a stiff brush to remove dry dirt.
  • If very dirty, then rinse under the hose.
  • Always start each project with a CLEAN & DRY filter.
  • Have a spare in the van!


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